Government offices are closed Monday, Feb. 19 in observance of President’s Day.
Boulder City Council
On Feb. 22, Council will:
- Hold a three-hour joint meeting with the Open Space Board of Trustees (OSBT), beginning at 6 p.m. There’s one item on the agenda: the disposal of 2.2 acres of Van Vleet Open Space. The land is needed to build flood mitigation along South Boulder Creek, commonly known as the CU South project, to protect 2,300 residents and 1,100 homes.
Because Van Vleet was purchased as open space, using open space funds, it can legally not be used for other purposes. OSBT will have to vote to formally dispose of the land; that is, officially give it to the utilities department to use for flood protection. Residents could also force the matter to a public vote with a citizen petition, filed within 60 days of the vote.
The land is needed to build a floodwall along U.S. 36., according to City utilities staff. Another 1.9 acres will be impacted temporarily during construction; another agreement will govern access and impacts.
There will not be a meeting of Boulder City Council on Feb. 29. Meetings resume March 7.
Watch Boulder City Council meetings on YouTube or Channel 8.
Boulder County Commissioners
Reminder: Commissioners will be interviewing candidates for Boulder County Coroner at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15. Attend virtually at: boco.org/Coroner-Interviews-2
On Feb. 21, Commissioner Claire Levy will:
- Attend the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) meeting at 6:30 p.m. The organization includes representatives from 58 participating governments and addresses issues of transportation, growth and development and aging and disability resources.
On Feb. 22, Commissioners will:
- Attend the Counties & Commissioners Acting Together (CCAT) meeting at 5:30 p.m. CCAT is a group that represents county interests at the state capitol.
Lafayette City Council
On Feb. 6, the Council:
- Approved a contract to inventory all city water lines and come up with a plan to replace any and all lead pipes. The contract will also identify possible funding strategies.
- Approved a contract for predesign and siting of a second water treatment plant. The facility will provide additional water treatment capacity and allow for maintenance and upgrades at the Baseline Water Treatment Plant.
On Feb. 16-17, Council will:
- Hold a retreat to discuss the group’s goals for the next two years.
On Feb. 20, Council will:
- Hear a presentation from the Regional Housing Partnership, a cross-jurisdictional group working toward increasing affordable housing in Boulder County. The Partnership has a goal of preserving or building 12% of the county’s housing as affordable by 2035.
Watch Lafayette City Council meetings on YouTube or Channel 8. Find a calendar of meetings at bit.ly/Lafayette-council.
Want to learn more about Lafayette City Council? Karen Norback, our new Lafayette correspondent, write Reports from a Political Hobbyist on Substack. Sign up at bit.ly/Lafayette-news